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Media Interviews

Be sure to plug in your top messages at the beginning, middle and end of your interview.

Messaging Tip Sheet​

Do not underestimate the importance of solid messaging.

Press Release Template ​

Each story is unique and requires original thinking to maximize newsworthiness but we offer a basic template to help you get started

How to Approach
Media Interviews

After going through your key messaging exercise (see “Messaging Tip Sheet”), determine what points you want your audience to know after you’ve completed the interview. Be sure to plug in your top messages at the beginning, middle and end of your interview.

Messaging Tip Sheet

Do not underestimate the importance of solid messaging. Getting your key messaging right will underpin all your ongoing communications to any stakeholder. There is no perfect approach to developing a solid message track. The key is to do the right research and give deep thought to what will resonate most, then craft compelling points that can be pulled through in written and verbal communications. Once you have a solid foundation, the rest of your content should flow fairly naturally.

Press Release Template

I don’t believe a press release can be 100% templated. Each story is unique and requires original thinking to maximize newsworthiness. There are, however, some basics to follow that will help at least in creating a more professional-looking press release. In creating content, make sure to work on your key messages, in the appropriate context, per our Messaging Tip Sheet exercises. Regarding Press Release distribution, there are many options, and needs to be customized based on goals/needs.

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